teamIT team

Driven by your satisfaction

We have been in the business of the IT outsourcing market for 13 years. 

We match the best IT specialists with corporations and micro enterprises and vice versa.

What is our strength?

We know the IT market, we know how it works, so it allows us to truly understand both parties.

We are driven by client satisfaction and that’s why we put so much effort into our work.

We take pride in what we do.

“I‘ve known Michal Tomek for 15 years. Together with the company YOUR SYSTEM Inc., we launched the division focused on outsourcing IT specialists. Not for long, Petr Kropacek joined our team. With us working together, we have been able to find placements for more than 600 IT specialists. Over the time, we realized that we wanted to do things our way. That is why we’ve joined forces with Pale Fire Capital, one of the most promising financial groups on the Czech market, and at the beginning of 2020, we became independent. That is how teamIT Inc. was established.”

Jan Biras
CEO & Partner
teamIT s.r.o.

Our values

and openness


Quality is more than quantity

We are teamIT

Petr Krajíček
Jana Adámková
Senior Recruiter
Šárka Táborská
Sales Coordinator & Senior Recruiter
Michaela Zahradníková
Junior Recruiter
Denisa Majtanová
Junior Recruiter
Jana Kupčáková
Sales Support & Controlling

Alexandra Hrušková
Sales Support

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